
National Signals Training Consortium Has Its Eye on the Future of Signaling Technologies

Posted November 2018

Last week, the National Signals Training Consortium (the Consortium) held its annual meeting in Pueblo, CO. Subject matter experts reviewed and finalized courseware for two new courses (Installation and Construction Standards; Microprocessor Based Equipment) and prioritized areas of work for 2019:

1.  A course on Communications and Networking
2.  Beginning development of Refresher Training based on the already developed courses

To date the Signals Consortium, composed of 19 public transportation agencies and their unions (listed below) have worked with the Center to develop over 350 hours of instructional material, draft an apprenticeship framework, share best practices and develop recruitment strategies to fill the upcoming skills gap - calling particularly on recruitment of veterans, women and people looking to secure college credit while working as a signal maintainer.

To support the recruitment challenges of member locations, the meeting included a presentation from the CO State Approving Agency on the benefits available to veterans enrolled in apprenticeships or other approved on-the-job training programs. In addition, Pat Greenfield, Center staff, provided information on obtaining college credit for training programs.

On Thursday, Consortium members toured Transportation Technology Center, Inc.‘s (TTCI’s) 52-square mile Federal railway test facility. TTCI serves the AAR and it’s member railroads, as well as the FRA and other government and commercial customers by providing customers with highly effective and efficient railway research, testing, training and technical support.

For more information:

  Courseware Samples on Transit Training Network
  The Center’s Facebook Page
  Contact Project Manager Julie Deibel-Pundt

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