
Zero Emission Vehicles at California Transit Association

Posted December 2023

In early November, ITLC’s Senior Workforce Development Advisor Maurice Beard, Research Assistant Michaela Boneva, and Executive Director Jack Clark attended the 58th Annual California Transit Administrations (CTA) Fall Conference, hosted by Foothill Transit, Access Services, and the City of Pasadena. Jack served as a panelist in a discussion titled "Generation ZE: Preparing Our Frontline Workforce for ZEV." CalStart’s National Transit Bus Program Manager Mike Hynes moderated the discussion, featuring ZEB Tech's Principal and Founder James Hall, and the California Transit Training Consortium’s (CTTC) Executive Director Maggie Pear as panelists. The interactive session covered a range of issues, including California’s need to increase its skilled workforce in both maintenance and operations personnel in order to meet state requirements of converting all in-state sales of passenger cars and trucks, including heavy-duty vehicles, to zero-emission by 2035 and 2045.

ITLC staffed an exhibit booth in the expo hall, where conference attendees stopped by to ask how TWC and ITLC could assist with workforce development, technical assistance, and zero-emission workforce transitions. A number of attendees expressed particular interest in TWC's newly released BEB Familiarization Course.

ITLC's Jack Clark speaking on a panel during the "Generation ZE: Preparing Our Frontline Workforce for ZEV" discussion, alongside CalStart’s Mike Hynes, ZEB Tech's James Hall, and CCTC's Maggie Pear

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