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Transportation & Education Industry Leaders Speak at the Center’s Conference - Materials Available

Posted June 2013

On May 30, 2013 Senior officials from DOT, US DOL and the US Department of Education spoke at the Center’s conference to highlight their current initiatives to expand training, apprenticeship and education opportunities for the frontline blue collar workforce.  Vince Valdes, Associate Administrator of FTA, reported on FTA’s new safety initiatives and how FTA is beginning to implement MAP-21’s new training provisions.  DOL’s John Ladd, Administrator of the Office of Apprenticeship, updated the group on DOL’s project to provide college credit for work-based learning in registered apprenticeship programs.  Johan Uvin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education for Adult and Experiential Learning, shared the latest news on Career and Technical Education partnerships to expand the pipeline of qualified applicants for technical jobs in industries like transit.


Center Highlights Frontline Worker Training at APTA Conference

Posted June 2013

Earlier this week, the Center moderated two different panels at the APTA Rail Conference in Philadelphia:
  •  Standards-Based Training Partnerships for Frontline Employees
  •  Quality Training Enhances Your State of Good Repair

The “Standards-Based Training Partnerships for Frontline Employees” panel was comprised of representatives from three active national, industry committees convened by the Center and composed of labor and management subject matter experts (rail vehicle, transit elevator-escalator and signals).  The speaksers explained how their work ties into a larger framework of turning transit locations into high-performing organizations.  In a time of many retirements and changing technologies, participants were excited to find a consortium training model which would provide quality training for new employees as well as career ladder training opportunities.  All this will also save money by sharing the cost among many properties.


Center Convenes Committees Addressing Training & Recruitment for the Public Transportation Industry

Posted May 2013

This week, the Center is convening three industry working groups in Silver Spring, MD to address the major challenges facing transit nationally:
• Signals Training Consortium
• Career Pathways/Career Ladders Committee
• Rail Vehicle Committee

These groups also came together to coordinate efforts and strategize on furthering the broader mission of strengthening public transportation occupations through systems for expanding the pipeline for qualified new recruits and quality training within the public transportation industry.  During the open panel discussion each group is reporting out on their individual efforts. 


Join the Center at the APTA Rail Conference

Posted May 2013

On Tuesday June 4, 2013 the Center will be hosting a session at the APTA rail conference on Standards-Based Training Partnerships for Frontline Employees.  The session will highlight its efforts in national training consortia for transit’s rail technicians who maintain signals and elevators and escalators, with pending efforts for rail vehicle and traction power technicians.


Signals Training Consortium Steering Committee Works w/Center to Prepare for Project Kick-off

Posted May 2013

Last Friday, Center staff met with Signals Training Consortium Co-chairs Jim Lindsay President of ATU Local 1277 in Los Angeles and Michael Monastero former Chief Engineering Officer of the Communications & Signals Department at SEPTA to prepare for the consortium’s kick-off meeting in Silver Spring, MD at the end of the month.  Members of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalman and TWU Local 234 also joined the meeting.